Selling a wholesale or distribution business

Selling a wholesale or distribution business

From textiles and clothing to food and drink, electronics and gifts, there are specialist wholesalers for every kind of product. UK wholesalers play a key role in our retail supply chain, buying products for a low price and profiting from selling them on in bulk at a higher cost. The big question is, what would […]

How to tell staff you are selling your business


Staff are a valuable business asset, especially during the business sale process. Your employees’ knowledge, skills and experience all contribute towards overall business value and the price a potential buyer is prepared to offer. Considering the needs and job security of your team when selling your business is key to protecting their interests and minimising […]

How to evaluate an offer to buy your business

How to evaluate an offer to buy your business.

Congratulations, you’ve received a formal offer to buy your business! What happens next? How do you know whether the offer you’ve received is offering the best value and terms for you and your business? Evaluating an offer takes thorough due diligence, good communication and careful consideration. It’s not like accepting an offer to buy your […]

Strong foundations equal strong exit.

strong foundations equal strong exit

At Uscita, we’ve recently collaborated on an article with looking at the equation between strong business foundations and the ability to exit strong later on. It all started with that common business trope “the best time to start planning your business exit is the day you start your business”.  We work at one end […]

What’s the difference between harvest strategy and exit strategy?

Whats the difference between harvest strategy and exit strategy

There’s nothing like the feeling of growing and harvesting the fruits of your own labour. Fresh veggies straight from the garden taste divine yet are short-lived. Whereas the rewards of harvesting from your own business have the potential to last you for the rest of your life. That is, if you plan your exit strategy […]

The Olympic task of planning to sell your business

The Olympic task of planning to sell your business

Have you ever considered the similarities between building a business and training to become an Olympic or Paralympic athlete? If you enjoy participating in sports, you might already recognise some of the traits, behaviours and qualities you share. Even if you’ve never considered yourself to be a sporty person, as an entrepreneur or business owner, […]

Why business owners need a holiday too – and how to get there

Why business owners need a holiday too - and how to get there

Schools out for summer! Your social media feeds are about to become peppered with other people’s sunshine selfies and your inbox with out-of-office emails. But none of those will be yours. Why? Because you struggle to take time off. Your company just cannot run without you, can it? If your business takes priority over family […]

6 ways to build a loyal customer base

6 ways to build a loyal customer base

“In business, I look for economic castles protected by unbreachable moats” – Warren Buffett Buffett describes an attractive business investment as a castle with an impenetrable moat of protection. To be a viable proposition, a business needs solid foundations and a strong leader. It also needs differentiators which make it stand out from the crowd […]

Do you own your customers?

Do you own your customers?

Online marketplaces provide an efficient, effective selling platform for product based businesses across the world. Sites such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy give you instant access to a global shop window with the ability to target customers who are actively searching to buy products like yours. With 500 million monthly visitors to Etsy alone, it’s […]

Is it time to spring clean your business records?


If you are serious about exiting your business, the start of a new tax year is a great time to de-clutter your documents, finalise your financial records, and confirm your compliance with government legislation. Making sure your records are up to date and ready for analysis shows potential buyers that your business is on top […]

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