Selling a wholesale or distribution business

Selling a wholesale or distribution business

From textiles and clothing to food and drink, electronics and gifts, there are specialist wholesalers for every kind of product. UK wholesalers play a key role in our retail supply chain, buying products for a low price and profiting from selling them on in bulk at a higher cost. The big question is, what would […]

How to tell staff you are selling your business


Staff are a valuable business asset, especially during the business sale process. Your employees’ knowledge, skills and experience all contribute towards overall business value and the price a potential buyer is prepared to offer. Considering the needs and job security of your team when selling your business is key to protecting their interests and minimising […]

How to evaluate an offer to buy your business

How to evaluate an offer to buy your business.

Congratulations, you’ve received a formal offer to buy your business! What happens next? How do you know whether the offer you’ve received is offering the best value and terms for you and your business? Evaluating an offer takes thorough due diligence, good communication and careful consideration. It’s not like accepting an offer to buy your […]

6 ways to build a loyal customer base

6 ways to build a loyal customer base

“In business, I look for economic castles protected by unbreachable moats” – Warren Buffett Buffett describes an attractive business investment as a castle with an impenetrable moat of protection. To be a viable proposition, a business needs solid foundations and a strong leader. It also needs differentiators which make it stand out from the crowd […]

The emotional rollercoaster of owning and selling a business


Do you remember that overwhelming feeling of pride and exhilaration the day you started your business? Were you signing a lease, registering your company name, or shaking hands on that all-important bank loan? Whatever your first memory of starting your business, that day you boarded the emotional entrepreneurial rollercoaster. I’m sure you’re nodding in agreement […]

Four steps to finding your business sell-by date

Four steps to finding your business sell-by date

With the end of another calendar year rapidly approaching, it’s common to think about what the next 12 months will bring. It’s a perfect time for reflection and contemplation. What changes will you make in your business next year? Could it be time to start planning your next move? And how do you know if […]

Is your business a viable strategic acquisition?

Is your business a viable strategic acquisition

Your business is not for sale right now. But could your head be turned if someone expressed an interest in buying you out? If you were tempted, what would a potential buyer find if they started to explore behind the scenes? Strategic business acquisitions are common in sectors like technology and pharmaceuticals . The possibility could […]

How to retain staff when selling your business


Retaining staff and key employees is crucial to a successful business exit and achieving maximum value from your business sale. If essential members of staff were to leave your business either before or immediately after its sale, this could destabilise operations and impact business continuity. Something a buyer will be very aware of. When potential […]

How do you know when you can afford to sell your business?

How do you know when you can afford to sell your business?

Think back to your aspirations when you started your business. Was your motivation to escape the stresses of the corporate world? Did you have a burning idea to innovate and make your mark? Or was your ambition to build a successful business that would fund your retirement? Whatever your reason for building a business, there […]

5 records you must provide when selling an IT business

5 records you must provide when selling an IT business

With a history of brokering successful business sales in the IT sector, we know some secrets about the technology marketplace. Buyers of IT and technology businesses are pretty unique in their outlook. With scrupulous attention to detail and highly analytical minds, IT sector buyers are not afraid to request specific records, reports and data. From […]

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