Strong foundations equal strong exit.
At Uscita, we’ve recently collaborated on an article with looking at the equation between strong business foundations and the ability to exit strong later on. It all started with that common business trope “the best time to start planning your business exit is the day you start your business”. We work at one end […]
What’s the difference between harvest strategy and exit strategy?
There’s nothing like the feeling of growing and harvesting the fruits of your own labour. Fresh veggies straight from the garden taste divine yet are short-lived. Whereas the rewards of harvesting from your own business have the potential to last you for the rest of your life. That is, if you plan your exit strategy […]
The Olympic task of planning to sell your business
Have you ever considered the similarities between building a business and training to become an Olympic or Paralympic athlete? If you enjoy participating in sports, you might already recognise some of the traits, behaviours and qualities you share. Even if you’ve never considered yourself to be a sporty person, as an entrepreneur or business owner, […]
How to get the best price when selling your business
Maximising the sale price when exiting your business is a common, and important, goal for company owners. The difference between a high and a low price could be the difference between you living the lifestyle you desire and simply getting by. As business exit strategy consultants, how to sell your business for the highest price […]
How much are your name and face worth to your business?
When Mr Rolls met Mr Royce in Manchester in 1904 and agreed to go into business together, they decided to use both their surnames in the name of their company, Rolls-Royce. Using their names in their business clearly proved a genius step for Mr Rolls and Mr Royce, just as it did for Walt Disney, […]
Is your business a viable strategic acquisition?
Your business is not for sale right now. But could your head be turned if someone expressed an interest in buying you out? If you were tempted, what would a potential buyer find if they started to explore behind the scenes? Strategic business acquisitions are common in sectors like technology and pharmaceuticals . The possibility could […]
Is the UK economic climate affecting business exits?
When preparing a business for sale, it’s advisable to keep one eye on the general economic climate. The external business climate is not something any of us can control, but it’s worth considering some of the variables in your business exit plan. If you choose to ignore it, economic change and uncertainty could impact your […]
What is a Management Buyout (MBO)?
A management buyout is one of the options available to business owners thinking about exiting their business. As with any business exit, the earlier you start to plan for it, the better chance you have of achieving the sale value you would like. In this post we’re going to cover everything you need to know […]
How to retain staff when selling your business
Retaining staff and key employees is crucial to a successful business exit and achieving maximum value from your business sale. If essential members of staff were to leave your business either before or immediately after its sale, this could destabilise operations and impact business continuity. Something a buyer will be very aware of. When potential […]
How do you know when you can afford to sell your business?
Think back to your aspirations when you started your business. Was your motivation to escape the stresses of the corporate world? Did you have a burning idea to innovate and make your mark? Or was your ambition to build a successful business that would fund your retirement? Whatever your reason for building a business, there […]