How to evaluate an offer to buy your business
Congratulations, you’ve received a formal offer to buy your business! What happens next? How do you know whether the offer you’ve received is offering the best value and terms for you and your business? Evaluating an offer takes thorough due diligence, good communication and careful consideration. It’s not like accepting an offer to buy your […]
Is your business a viable strategic acquisition?
Your business is not for sale right now. But could your head be turned if someone expressed an interest in buying you out? If you were tempted, what would a potential buyer find if they started to explore behind the scenes? Strategic business acquisitions are common in sectors like technology and pharmaceuticals . The possibility could […]
Sell your manufacturing business – six steps to get the value you deserve
So, you’re ready to sell your manufacturing business. If you’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time to sell, you’ve likely given the situation a lot of thought. While this decision is exciting, it’s important not to rush into it. There are some final steps you can take to get the value your business deserves […]