Why business owners need a holiday too – and how to get there

Why business owners need a holiday too - and how to get there

Schools out for summer! Your social media feeds are about to become peppered with other people’s sunshine selfies and your inbox with out-of-office emails. But none of those will be yours. Why? Because you struggle to take time off. Your company just cannot run without you, can it? If your business takes priority over family […]

Is there any value in a second-hand business?

Is there any value in a second-hand business?

Spring is a time of change and renewal. The change in season can be uplifting, inspiring us to set about clearing out the shed, garage or attic, preparing our homes and gardens for the warmer months, or even preparing to sell up. After all, March is typically one of the most popular months to start […]

How to get the best price when selling your business

Hot to get the best price for your business

Maximising the sale price when exiting your business is a common, and important, goal for company owners. The difference between a high and a low price could be the difference between you living the lifestyle you desire and simply getting by. As business exit strategy consultants, how to sell your business for the highest price […]

The emotional rollercoaster of owning and selling a business


Do you remember that overwhelming feeling of pride and exhilaration the day you started your business? Were you signing a lease, registering your company name, or shaking hands on that all-important bank loan? Whatever your first memory of starting your business, that day you boarded the emotional entrepreneurial rollercoaster. I’m sure you’re nodding in agreement […]

Four steps to finding your business sell-by date

Four steps to finding your business sell-by date

With the end of another calendar year rapidly approaching, it’s common to think about what the next 12 months will bring. It’s a perfect time for reflection and contemplation. What changes will you make in your business next year? Could it be time to start planning your next move? And how do you know if […]

Is your business a viable strategic acquisition?

Is your business a viable strategic acquisition

Your business is not for sale right now. But could your head be turned if someone expressed an interest in buying you out? If you were tempted, what would a potential buyer find if they started to explore behind the scenes? Strategic business acquisitions are common in sectors like technology and pharmaceuticals . The possibility could […]

Is the UK economic climate affecting business exits?

Is the UK economic climate affecting business exits?

When preparing a business for sale, it’s advisable to keep one eye on the general economic climate. The external business climate is not something any of us can control, but it’s worth considering some of the variables in your business exit plan. If you choose to ignore it, economic change and uncertainty could impact your […]

How to retain staff when selling your business


Retaining staff and key employees is crucial to a successful business exit and achieving maximum value from your business sale. If essential members of staff were to leave your business either before or immediately after its sale, this could destabilise operations and impact business continuity. Something a buyer will be very aware of. When potential […]

Would adopting a 4-day working week impact business value?

Would adopting a 4-day working week impact business value?

Between June and December 2022, 61 UK companies employing approx. 2,900 workers signed up to trial a reduced working week. The results of the biggest ever trial of the four-day working week* were published at the end of February and the signs are overwhelmingly positive. Which led us to thinking, what impact could adopting a […]

How to go about selling your facilities management company

Facilities management is a complex, and often specialist, area of work. Property maintenance, fire safety and security companies generally come with lots of valuable moving parts, all of which must be carefully addressed when planning your exit strategy. If you’re thinking of selling your facilities management company, this post explores some key considerations to prepare […]

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